Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013

I'm worried about resolutions. Tonight is the night to hunker down, think things through, get things in order, make a plan, make a change. As others are getting primped and primed, I am watching the roadways for the optimum time for a trip to the Target and the Basket for food, and organizational supplies for the New Year, and a last run to the liquor store for, well, you know...

And if people are coming here, do I really need to shower? Do I have time? Should we order food early? Or does it matter because it's Chinese food and they will have just made lump sums? Do I really need to have the laundry done before the clock strikes 12, because is it necessary to rid myself of the 2013 dirty laundry so that I may start the new year in clean clothes? Or the dishes? I need all new dishes because I do not have enough bowls and what if I go out and buy some more, and then they all don't match...

Okay, I'll stop.

Is this all worth worrying about? Should that be my resolution? Like it tells me so often on Pinterest, to "worry less, breathe more, or love more, or something more," because conventional - or Pinterest - wisdom tells me that worrying only weakens my resolve. If I were to give up worrying, I would be eliminating a giant part of my personality, and honestly, some people find my personality endearing and then what would they do? Not like me anymore that's what. Do they need to like me? Pinterest tells me that it's not important, but I'm thinking, well, the ones I like, it would be nice if they liked me, too.

How about I don't resolve to do anything? Would that be okay, too? I could resolve not to resolve a thing. 2013 was, well, a year. Not the best, not the worst. Good things happened, bad things happened. What is wrong with that? Should I just "let it all go?"

Should I resolve to stop trying to get life advice on Pinterest?

:) Happy New Year.

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